Hey Divas!!!
I am still here. I am just working hard on the first job(Software Tester) so that I can more happen with the second job(Makeup Artist). Because I have been practicing my skills I have more people asking me to do their makeup and show them how to get the flawless looks they say I have. I wouldn't say my looks are flawless, but I am a perfectionist when it comes many things in my life and makeup is one of them. When people want to talk makeup with me and improving their skin, I just light up. I love helping others and being an aspiring MUA is one way I feel I can help people. I have worked though the years to improve my skin and love what I have done. Mainly I just make sure I drink plenty of water and avoid pop, etc, but a good skin care regiment does help. I have been adding more to my MU kit and saving money so I can go to IMATS Toronto 2010. I can't wait to go and I hope to see many bloggers and Youtubers there. Maybe we can do a meet up and talk makeup, skincare and haircare. I am ready to go to the workshops and learn as much as I can and do a little shopping. Shopping is always good. :)